About Liza
Prior to starting her own business and being a Councillor on Shoalhaven City Council, Liza Butler worked for the Dept of Ageing, Disability & Homecare supporting the NGO sector, and then for Centrelink assisting the most vulnerable in our community.
Liza has a strong understanding of how policy and service delivery can impact people on low incomes and the devasting effects of poverty, disadvantage and domestic and family violence has on our communities.
Since joining parliament as Member for South Coast in March 2023, Liza has already joined several Parliamentary Select Committees, including Remote, Rural and Regional Health, Essential Worker Housing, NSW Reconstruction Authority, Community Services and is the Deputy Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Net Zero Future.
Liza has a deep-seated interest in renewable energy and before becoming the Member for South Coast, was one of the key drivers of the Community Microgrid located in Bawley Point, Kioloa and Termeil, the first of its kind in NSW. This transition to renewable energy in these three small coastal communities has provided a reliable power supply while reducing power bills for those connected to the grid.
Liza’s priority issues include:
- Addressing shortfalls in affordable and social housing, essential worker housing and social housing
- Kick start construction of the Ulladulla and Nowra by-passes
- Deliver upgrades to Milton Hospital to include a CT scanner
- Provide a return to birthing services in the Milton Ulladulla area
- Increase Police numbers to their full complement in the South Coast electorate
- Address overcrowding in our schools – especially Vincentia and Ulladulla Primary & High Schools.
- Enhance Nowra and Ulladulla TAFE and increase pathway courses for young people
- Help build local community facilities in partnership with local community groups

Liza is the daughter of two primary school teachers and was taught from a young age about social justice and the right to equal opportunity for all to make every family’s life better. This view of the world motivates and energises Liza to represent her beloved South Coast community in striving to achieve this.
Liza has lived on the South Coast for over twenty years and has raised her five children there and believes the best start to the day is a swim in the ocean.